Raw Carrot Salad

If you could add ONE thing to your diet every day to help you manage a number of health issues, would it be worth it to you? I’ve asked women both in and out of my Nourished Metabolism community to introduce the Raw Carrot Salad into their diet daily and within 30 days, they saw improvements in:

  • PMS symptoms

  • endometriosis

  • constipation

  • bloating

  • pain with eating

  • headaches/migraines

  • rashes

  • acne

This recipe was developed by Dr. Ray Peat, a PhD Biologist who specializes in human physiology. He put together the connection between estrogen accumulation, low progesterone, and the dysfunction of the thyroid and adrenal glands. The connection between estrogen accumulation and raw carrot salad is that there are protective fibres in carrots that help remove endotoxins from our body. Endotoxins are bacterial toxins that have accumulated in the body and can ultimately affect the liver. This then cascades down to thyroid, adrenal glands, and also impacts our estrogen levels.

Your liver is responsible for converting 80% of inactive T4 into active T3 (thyroid hormones as well as breaking down and getting rid of estrogen from your body. When your thyroid isn’t functioning well, your adrenals kick in (while this is fine in short term - literally minutes or a few hours - it’s not ideal for a prolonged amount of time!)


So, what is this recipe? It’s as simple as four ingredients and I would track it for 30-60 days of consistent consumption to see how your body responds.


1 medium/large carrot, shredded or shaved lengthwise

1/2 tbsp coconut or olive oil

1 tsp white vinegar

salt & pepper to taste

Best to eat alone, as a snack in the middle of the afternoon. You can make this ahead of time but I prefer to make it each day.


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