How to Reduce Your Toxic Load

What exactly does it mean to reduce your toxic load? Your toxic load is the total amount of synthetic stressors your body is exposed to. When we have an increase in our toxic load, it can manifest in many different ways physically. Headaches, a foggy feeling in our head, skin issues, and digestive distress are common but there are other complications too.

There aren’t many people on the planet who can’t benefit from reducing their exposure to toxins and synthetic ingredients in their home and lifestyle. The important thing is to avoid overwhelm by simply choosing one thing at a time to focus on. Below is a list of steps you can take in your home and lifestyle to reduce your exposure to toxins.


Purchase a water filter for your tap and shower. Filtering your tap water is much better than drinking bottled water. Avoid plastic water bottles whenever possible! A shower filter also helps to prevent toxic gases from filling the air and helps to add shine to your skin and hair. Drinking plenty of clean water is one of the best ways to cleanse your system! Aim for 8-10 classes of water each and every day.


Avoid plastic water bottles and plastic food packaging that contain BPAs. Store your food at home in glass Pyrex containers and carry a glass or copper water bottle. Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates (found in plastics) are linked to cancer, endocrine problems, hormone imbalance and reproductive issues.


Household cleaners are loaded with harmful chemicals that end up in the air and on surfaces every time you use them. This unnecessary exposure puts stress on your liver and leads to an array of health issues, from allergies to asthma. It has become quite easy to find great non- toxic, household cleaning products. You can start with my recipe for my All Purpose Spray.


The average woman uses about 12 personal care products a day! Most products contain hundreds of endocrine disruptors, which interfere with hormones. I usually say that if you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t be putting it on your body. Replace your cosmetics and perfumes with chemical-free options whenever possible! The most important products are the ones you are using constantly, like your shampoo, toothpaste, face creams and foundations. To learn more about how clean and beautiful the products are from dōTERRA - please just ask!


Choose organic whenever possible. Again, refer to Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list. Pesticide residues build up in our bodies, especially in our fat tissues and cause excess stress to the liver.


Cans are lined with BPA (Bisphenol A), a Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP). POPs can linger in the human body for up to 100 years! POPs preferentially induce Phase 1 enzymes (Cytochrome P450 enzymes) of your liver detoxification pathways, causing production of free radicals, which in turn deplete the antioxidant reserves of your body.


Stress is a toxin, especially when chronic! Our body cannot differentiate between emotional and physical stress, and reacts similarly to both, by producing generous amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. When elevated for long periods of time, cortisol can lead to undesirable chronic diseases and symptoms like high blood pressure, weight gain, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, IBS, sleep issues, and it even increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes.


Movement mobilizes toxins! Exercise regularly to gently release toxins through skin via sweat. Yoga is great to enhance lymphatic drainage. Slow deep breathing releases toxins through lungs.


There is no denying the overuse of pharmaceuticals can be detrimental to our body. Make sure you are aware of the potential side effects of the drug, read the package insert, and remember that even if it lists a side effect as rare, it can still happen to you. Many, many drugs are vastly over-prescribed and unnecessary. If you are on any medications you are unsure of their use or effects, schedule an appointment with your MD and talk to your pharmacist the next time you are in. They will be able to help guide you on reducing/eliminating medications if that is possible for you.


Remove tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and even stimulants like caffeine. Allowing your body to normalize in it’s function without the additional inhalation or consumption of these products can change immediately how your body responds to stress, how it heals, and how it functions. Your immune system, respiratory system, elimination systems, and more will thrive without the daily assault these products have on your body.


It's the best way to rejuvenate the body’s detoxification capacity both on a mental and physical level. Assess whether you wake up refreshed every morning. If not, please get evaluated for why that is so! It could be the most important thing you did for yourself!

There is a great episode on doTERRA’s Essential Oil Solutions all about how to reduce your toxic load, with Blue Diamond leader, Lindsey Reicmuth. You can LISTEN TO IT HERE.


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