Metabolism Myth: Healing Your Metabolism is the Same at any Age

Let's talk about healing your metabolism at different stages of your life. It is NOT a one size fits all approach when it comes to metabolism. And ask any woman going through peri-menopause if their body is functioning the same as it did 10 years earlier and you'll get a good laugh. Ask any woman going through menopause if it's the same as peri-menopause and you'll get the same response. The truth is different ages and stages of life will impact our healing differently.


Not only that but different women have different experiences throughout all of these stages. What worked for your best friend may not work for you. What worked for your mother may not work for you. Remember...genetics loads the gun but lifestyle and nutrition pull the trigger.

This doesn't seem like rocket science yet having watched many people in the pro-metabolic space give a "one size fits all" approach to nutrition and exercise, it is quite common. It would be so easy to just say "do XYZ" and everyone respond the exact same way but it just isn't that simple.

Perhaps this is the biggest deterrent for women who want so badly to heal their metabolism. The foundations are true regardless of age - and they DO work...but there is NUANCE and bio-individuality that also comes into play.

For example, women who are in peri-menopause and menopause need to up their protein more than women who are still in child-bearing years. But exactly how much we have to increase it by is dependant on the individual. Learning the cues of your body is key here and it can take a few weeks or months to know how your body responds.

Knowing YOUR body and your body’s needs are the most important piece to healing. And in a world where we are taught to trust in outside influences (medical community for example) instead of tuning into our own needs, this can feel really difficult. Part of healing is becoming knowledgable about - and taking responsibility for - your health.

PS coming soon is our new Nourish + Thrive Community that will be FREE for Course members and offered at just $29/month for non-course members. In it, you get my coaching and information on the foundations + menu planning + recipes + monthly workshops like the one below! More details to come soon...


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