The Top Five Essential Oils for Chiropractors


You’re ready to bring (or maybe you already have brought) essential oils into your practice. You’re likely wondering where to begin. Do you focus on creating a great atmosphere? Do you use oils on your patients? Do you sell products? Should you diffuse oils to uplift the mood or keep germs at bay?

I remember asking all of those same questions. And, the answer can be YES to it all but truthfully it just needs to be YES to whatever you feel comfortable with. It’s YOUR practice. Just as every chiropractor has a different vibe, a different style, and a different technique, you can use essential oils to add to or compliment your practice in your own unique way.

Essential oils align beautifully with chiropractic
for a number of reasons.

  • Chiropractors tend to speak on natural ways of living.

  • Chiropractors focus on how health care options that work with the body rather than products that override it.

  • Chiropractors are focused on looking at the cause and improving lifestyle rather than taking a pill to cover the symptoms.

  • Chiropractic patients are often looking for natural options and they will look to you for answers since they already have a trusting relationship with you.

  • Using natural solutions instead of synthetic options is healthier for patients.

  • The three T’s - trauma, toxins, and thoughts - can all be supported with essential oils by helping the body respond to inflammation, reducing toxic load with all natural solutions, and helping people better adapt to stress.

Essential oils are designed to support the body’s natural healing ability. We know that the body is designed to heal itself, given the right conditions. It’s a combination of a clear brain-body connection, good nutrition (and supplementation), daily movement, mindfulness, sleep, and joy.

Here’s something you probably weren’t expecting from me. Essential oils aren’t essential for health care. Obviously, the body does not require them to survive. I do believe, however, that there are choices we can make to help our body thrive. And this is where essential oils can play a part in our patient’s self care at home.

Full disclosure. I’m a Chiropractor who is also a Blue Diamond leader with doTERRA essential oils. I ended up retiring from practice in 2017 after an injured wrist had sidelined my ability to practice the way I wanted to. Prior to leaving though, I had built a residual income with dōTERRA that was already matching my practice income. I had the ability to step out of practice and continue to make a great income that only continued to grow over the coming years. I work with a number of chiropractic offices who have introduced essential oils into their practices and so it’s safe to say I know from experience the best oils for chiropractors to use.

  1. Wild Orange

This oil is hands down the most happy oil that will uplift the emotions of you, your staff, and your patients. Essential oils are great for shifting emotional energies and this is one oil that will put a smile on people’s faces. It’s the perfect oil to diffuse at your front desk as it’s light, fresh and engaging without being overpowering.

2. Deep Blue

This is an essential oil blend that is designed specifically to help soothe joints and muscles. The proprietary blend has been shown to help the body better respond to inflammation. It comes in both an oil and in a cream, which is a great option for patients to use both in practice and at home. It smells reminiscent of most muscle creams but without the synthetic ingredients. Use this on patients who need some muscular support, send them home with a sample packet, and have the Deep Blue rub tubes for purchase as they check out.

3. OnGuard

If you’re looking for an essential oil blend to support a healthy immune system, look no further. This blend of Cinnamon, Clove, Wild Orange, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus is a powerhouse combination of oils that is effective at supporting the antioxidant defences of our body. You can read the science on it HERE. The OnGuard oil is also in a number of products including a hand sanitizing spray, cleaner concentrate, and hand soap to make protection in your office easy.

4. Adaptiv

We know that the better someone adapts to stress, the healthier they are. Adaptiv oil blend has been scientifically proven to help people improve their emotional well-being. Diffuse this in the front office or in the rooms during adjustments.

5. Easy Air

This oil is one of my favourites. It’s light and airy and is so pleasing to the senses. Not only does it support healthy respiration but it helps a challenge that all Chiropractors (and RMTs) have faced at one point or another. Inevitably lying face down for care poses a problem if their sinuses are clogged. Place a drop of Easy Air on the face paper and your patient will marvel at how much easier it is to breathe during their adjustment!)

Whether or not you choose to diffuse essential oils or use them on patients, your patients will inevitably have questions as to whether or not essential oils would be a good option for them. Knowing the basics of essential oils would be incredibly beneficial. You can register for my next Essential Oils Made Easy webinar to arm yourself with information about essential oils and how to use them safely and effectively.


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