Weekly Meal Planning {with video!}


Meal planning used to be my second biggest frustration around healthy eating with my family (the first by far is getting my kids to eat vegetables). I would often default to the same old meals so that no only was I bored but my family literally couldn't stomach one more round of homemade tomato sauce.

A few years ago I decided to get very intentional about how I planned out our meals as well as prepped for them. I started to devote Sundays to my meal day. This means that either Friday or Saturday, I order online and pick up our food from our local grocer so that on Sunday, we are ready to go. It takes about ten minutes to plan out each of our meals for the week and 45 minutes to order my groceries and pick them up. I’ll leave the actual meal prep for another blog post.

The actual planning out of our meals is what takes so much stress off my plate each day. I know in advance what we are having each main meal - which for us is dinner and sometimes breakfast - so that I do not find myself rummaging in the fridge for foods I can throw together last minute.

Lean in, my friends because I'm going to share with you today the app/website that literally changed my life. It's called Plan to Eat. It's a three part system that will simplify your meal planning going forward.

  • Download your favourite recipes from online resources.

  • Add them to your weekly meal schedule.

  • Create a shopping list specific to your week's needs.

Can I get an AMEN? The most time consuming part is uploading recipes but over time, you will gather all of your favs so that they are in one easy spot. The app even allows you to access the recipe when it's time to cook so no more last minute searching online. Check out my tutorial below. Plan to Eat is an incredible tool. Want to get your first month for free? Click HERE to sign up!


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