Daily Healthy Habits: Nourishment {Part 2 of 4}
Healthy eating is a topic that I feel could and should be summed up in one blog post. The challenge is that with so many varying opinions, there are probably a million or more blog posts on this topic. No wonder it is so confusing for people to decide what is considered healthy and what to eat. I hope to keep things simple.
The Best Diffuser Blends to Put A Little Magic Into Your Holidays
Whether you are full on holiday mode or struggling to get into the spirit, these diffuser blends will meet you where you are at and bring a little magic into your day.
How to Support and Strengthen Your Immune System Naturally
As a Chiropractor and essential oils educator, I am fiercely passionate about teaching people how to best support their immune system - and their bodies - naturally. I believe we have to take steps every single day to bolster our health and that your health care providers should offer advice on how to do so.
5 Ways to Add Essential Oils to Your Chiropractic Practice
If you have landed on this blog post, you’re likely a Chiropractor who is interested in discovering more about how to support your patients with essential oils. Essential oils have taken off in popularity in the last ten years. They are natural solutions that are easy to use, which is appealing to your patients.
Why Meditation Will Be the Most Powerful Start to Your Day
The absolute best and most powerful way for me to start my day is my early morning power hour that includes meditation, journalling and gratitude. It sets the tone and energy for my day. If I miss it for whatever reason, my day is less intentional and more scattered.
The Best Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep
Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Do you toss and turn? Do you lay awake at night with thoughts racing through your mind? If this sounds familiar, I have some great tips for how to help you fall asleep easier and get a better quality night’s sleep.
Autumn Diffuser Blends
Is anyone else as smitten with autumn as I am? The colours, sweaters, crisp air, apples, crock pot meals, pumpkins, and shorter days. It’s the season where the world starts to prepare for slumber and it’s when the homebody in me does a little happy dance.
How to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Stress
If you’re reading this, it is likely that you are under a lot of stress, may or may not have tried different ways to relieve it, and have heard that essential oils can help. The good news is that YES, essential oils can help you respond better to stress….
The Top Five Essential Oils for Chiropractors
You’re ready to bring (or maybe you already have brought) essential oils into your practice. You’re likely wondering where to begin. Do you focus on creating a great atmosphere? Do you use oils on your patients? Do you sell products? Should you diffuse oils to uplift the mood or keep germs at bay?
Three Tips to a Tidier Home
There's no better feeling that walking into my kitchen first thing in the morning and it being not only tidy but clean. It is, hands down, the best feeling at the start of a day. I committed to a few small changes a year ago. These changes were designed to keep our home tidy and me sane.
Making Time Off Non-Negotiable
"Andrea, you look stressed." my mom said, as I was packing our final things into our suitcase. It was funny because I didn't feel stressed. It took me two days into our vacation to realize that I was just so used to living at that level of stress that I now perceived it as normal. My life isn't that crazy. My hours between work and family are where I like them to be. I have amazing people in my life who support me. We are healthy. We are happy. However,
Homemade Bug Spray
Who's ready for an all natural bug spray that actually works? Yes, please! Many parents just like you are concerned about the ingredients in conventional bug sprays. Let's dive into why.